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dry scalp in winter

What is Dry Scalp?

Dryness or flaky appearance happens when your scalp lacks moisture. It can also be caused by dandruff and hence results in irritation and itching. It is more prominent in winters as the air is devoid of moisture. It is likewise susceptible to the growth of Malassezia which is a yeast liable for dry scalp. It feeds on the dirt and makes the dead cells of the scalp shed fast.

Causes of Dry Scalp in Winters

    Winter makes your hair and scalp parched out because of a decrease in humidity. This prompts loss of water from both your skin and hair.
  • Due to decrease in the temperature, the frequency of shampooing reduces that leads to the accumulation of flakes.
  • During winters, malassezia fungus produces more colonies in the scalp and gets accumulated with seborrheic dermatitis worsening the effects of dry scalp.
  • Using hair care products containing a lot of harsh chemicals may lead to itchy scalp.

Pre-wash Treatments for Dry Scalp

See why pre-wash treatments matter and how it helps below.

Massaging your scalp

scalp massage to treat dry scalp
Before applying shampoo to your scalp and hair, massage it to remove dirt, oil or any other harmful skin cells. This will therefore, lift away impurities and evenly distribute natural oils present in the scalp. Massaging can be done with a soft bristle brush or using fingers. It helps in circulating the blood and distributing the nutrients evenly.

Oil treatment

oil treatment for dry scalp
Oil treatment locks-in moisture and helps maintain oil balance of your scalp. Oil is considered as an effective and intense natural conditioner. Directly rub oil on the head and put a shower cap on. Leave for about 40-45 minutes and shampoo your hair.

Hair masks

using hair masks for dry scalp
It is an effective treatment for your hair and scalp. There are hair masks that can be made at home which include natural ingredients like honey, curd, lemon, coconut oil, aloe vera and neem. These ingredients have properties that can help deal with dry scalp problems.

Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

home remedies for dry scalp
You don’t have to necessarily search on the internet every time for your hair care solutions. The answers could be on your kitchen racks. Here are some of them:

1. Coconut oil

It moisturises the scalp and is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can be directly applied on the scalp by massaging it for 10-15 min. After that, wash your hair as usual with shampoo. It will not only help you in combating dry scalp but also leave your hair silky smooth.

2. Aloe vera

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can be applied directly on the scalp. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. The aloe vera helps reduce skin irritation and has hydrating properties.

3. Neem

It is known for its antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties. Apply neem and coconut oil combo to the scalp. Leave them for 30-40 minutes. It helps improve hair texture.

4. Lemon juice

It contains citric acid which is an effective remedy against dryness. Massaging lemon juice in the roots of hair, helps in cleaning dirt as well as smoothes your hair.

5. Drinking more water

In winters, people often drink less amount of water, this makes skin and hair dehydrated.

6. Applying garlic

Garlic is an effective treatment for dry scalp. Applying garlic will help regulate the sebum production and thus improves blood flow.

Products for Dry Scalp Treatment

Dry scalp results in excess hair loss. You should follow an effective hair care regime to keep your scalp healthy.

Medicated shampoos

When the dryness on the scalp becomes more severe, medicated shampoos are used to protect the natural balance. These shampoos will not irritate your skin and thus helps in the release of more natural oils. They contain an ingredient named ketoconazole that helps fight the issues for flakiness.

Moisturising shampoo

These shampoos remove the dirt and other build up without stripping natural oils from hair. Moisturising shampoos are sulphate and parabens free for thoroughly cleansing without any irritation.
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Natural shampoo

In some natural shampoo, tea tree oil is present that helps in removing the oil buildup. Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties that when combined with ginger, lemon, neem and salicylic acid helps to purify the hair follicles and fight itchiness.

Tips to Prevent Dry Scalp During Winters

  • Avoid hot showers - While using hot water during shower, it worsens the issue and is harmful to the hair. Hot water tends to absorb more moisture from the skin and scalp, thus leaving it dry. Instead of using this, try to use lukewarm water. This will help in locking more moisture and reduce the flakiness.
  • Trim your hair - During winters, the weather is harsh that tends to make the ends of hair brittle. This adds to scalp dryness. Trimming your hair on a regular basis makes your hair healthy.
  • Cover your head - Due to harsh climate conditions, there is no better way to protect your scalp except covering it. It helps retain moisture.
  • Avoid heating instruments - It is advised to not use too much heat on your hair. Avoid excessive use of hair dryers and straighteners as it causes more breakage and dandruff.
Dry scalp in winters is a major concern. It can be addressed with a natural, dermatologist-formulated shampoo like Kosmoderma HairGen Shampoo. Also, you can take preventive measures to avoid dryness concerns during winters. Several home remedies are also available to combat itchy scalp.

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