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Ghee is rich in Vitamin K and Vitamin A, essential for skin health. Vitamin K ensures the hassle-free production of collagen - a protein that keeps the skin intact by avoiding sagging. In short, including ghee in your nutrition plan helps you maintain youthful looks and is the key to anti-aging skin.
Vitamin A is a natural moisturizer. Regular consumption of ghee in adequate amounts quenches the thirst of your skin. It helps avoid dry skin, a common skin concern during winters.
Generally, the health benefits of ghee are numerous. For instance, Milkfat Globule Membrane abbreviated MFGM is present in mother's milk and is an inevitable component for developing the immune system. The only other source for MFGM is cow ghee. It boosts immunity and is vital for overall health.
The common notion is that ghee contains unhealthy fats and results in obesity. It's merely a misconception. Conjugated Linolic Acid (CLA) is abundant in meat and dairy products, especially cow's ghee. It facilitates fat loss and develops lean muscles. Also, it stimulates hair growth.
How ghee works wonders for:
  • Dry skin - Ghee contains vitamin A which is a natural moisturizer and helps avoid dryness
  • Dull skin - Warm ghee with almond oil and apply the same. Leave it overnight. It adds glow to your skin.
  • Treating wrinkles - consume ghee (everyday 1tbsp of pure cow ghee) regularly because it is rich in vitamin K that maintains collagen production.
  • Acne and pimples- ghee can prevent acne and pimples formation by applying 2-3 drops every day on the skin. Avoid using ghee if you already have pimples or acne.
  • Pigmentation and skin lightening- ghee, to an extent, helps in brightening the skin. But direct involvement of ghee in reducing pigmentation is doubtful.
  • Dark circles - apply ghee under the eyes and do a circular massage every night before sleeping.
  • For lips - ghee moisturizes dry and chapped lips. Apply ghee overnight before sleep.
Benefits of ghee for hair and scalp
Ghee works as an excellent conditioner for your skin. Just lukewarm the ghee. Mix it with coconut oil or castor oil and massage your scalp for 15 minutes. Then, wash it with a mild shampoo. It improves the shine and strength of hair.

Notable as well as avoidable side effects of ghee
Is it good for oily skin?
No, because ghee couples with excess oil in the skin and clog pores.
Is it safe for daily use?
Ghee is safe for daily use. But, ensure to consume pure cow ghee, which is adulteration-free.
Can you be allergic to ghee?
Never. Can a baby be allergic to its mother's milk? No way! But make sure to consume or apply pure cow ghee.
Can it cause acne or irritation? The main reason for acne is dehydration of the skin. But ghee hydrates the skin and nullifies the possibility of developing acne.
Any other precautions to take? Avoid having ghee in frozen form. Consume lukewarm ghee for best results. Also, make sure to intake no more than 2-3 tbsp of ghee per day.
DIY recipes for ghee skincare you should give a try
Facemask Ghee and milk powder DIY facemask can make your skin wrinkle-free. Here's the recipe:
  • Lukewarm 4 to 5 drops of ghee
  • Add 1 tbsp milk powder and mix into thick & consistent paste
Apply in upward movements and leave it for 45 to 50 mins. Wash and remove the paste in lukewarm water.
Moisturizer: Ghee with natural aloe vera gel DIY face moisturizer avoids your dry skin concerns. Melt the ghee with natural aloe vera extract and blend perfectly into a light-green mixture. You can store the gel and use it for 15 to 20 days.
How to apply
  • Step1: Take 2 to 3 drops of the gel on the face
  • Step 2: Leave it overnight
  • Step 3: In the morning, rinse your face with normal water
Spot Treatment: DIY Poppy Seeds & Ghee Facemask for blemish-free skin Soak poppy seeds overnight. Grind them with raw milk (unboiled) to form consistent & thick paste. Then add three to four drops of ghee. Apply it on spots and leave it for 45 to 50 minutes. Rinse it in water. Apply once a week. Within 2 to 3 months, the facemask lightens spots and blemishes on your face.
As a salve (ointment): Ghee has anti-inflammatory properties. Mix pure cow ghee with Haldi (turmeric powder) and apply to wounds for faster healing. It's also an antiseptic.
The above information is general. We do recommend consulting a dermatologist to address your skin and hair concerns.

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