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Hair fall can be a very distressing experience. Finding hair falling on the floors, sticking to the hairbrush and clogging the drains can be heartbreaking. Losing your hair can also trigger low self-confidence and affect your self-esteem. While changing your hairstyle and resorting to vitamin gummies that promise to stop your hair from falling can be a temporary solution, hair fall is often a serious issue that requires deeper attention. Read along to learn more about why your hair falls, what can be done to stop it and how you can get back your lost tresses.

What Causes Hairfall?

What Causes Hairfall? The hair on our heads follows a growth cycle. Like the rest of the cells of our body, hair, too, has a lifespan, and it falls off at the end. However, the number of strands that fall at the end of each cycle is limited, and there are fresh strands that take their place. Hair falling in large amounts and very frequently is a cause for concern. It may be an indication of some serious underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Some of the common reasons for hair fall include the following-
  • Diet: Not eating a balanced diet can deprive the body of essential nutrients. An unhealthy diet that is devoid of fresh fruits and vegetables can be detrimental to hair follicles. This results in easy breakage and hair loss.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Fluctuating hormone levels during pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause can wreak havoc inside your body, leading to hair loss. Certain medical conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) can also result in hormonal imbalances and hair fall.
  • Chronic Stress: Stress has been well-documented as a trigger for several health conditions. Chronic mental, emotional or physical stress can lead to steady and severe hair fall.
  • Hygiene: Not maintaining a proper hair hygiene routine can cause hair to become weak and fall. Regular washing and shampooing ensures the scalp is clean and free from oil, grime and dirt. An unclean scalp and dirty hair become breeding grounds for bacterial and parasitic infections, resulting in hair loss.
  • Medical Reasons:Diseases like thyroid, alopecia areata, etc. and certain medications can cause hair loss.

What Can You Do To Stop Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be distressing. One needs to approach the issue calmly without panic, as stress is often a trigger for hair fall. Here are some simple tips that can be incorporated to arrest your hair loss.
  • Maintain Hair Hygiene: It is important to wash your hair and scalp regularly with gentle shampoo at least twice a week. Dirt and grime usually builds up over the days, and the natural oils produced on the scalp can damage the hair cuticles, leading to hair loss. They can also be a potent breeding ground for infections and parasites like lice. Shampooing regularly keeps your hair clean and healthy and promotes good scalp health.
  • Conditioning: Shampooing should always be followed with a good conditioner. While the shampoo cleans your hair and scalp, it may also dry it out. Wet hair also tends to get tangled which can cause hair to break and fall. Conditioning your hair takes care of both these problems. A good conditioner acts like a moisturiser and restores all the moisture stripped off by the
  • Oil Massages: Just like our muscles, our scalp and hair could also do with a good massage now and then. A scalp massage with some warm oil can be a soothing experience that drives away your tiredness and also nourishes your hair. Make sure that you massage gently with the balls of your fingers. Harsh rubbing can be damaging to the delicate hair cuticles. Coconut oil, almond oil, castor oil and oils that come infused with herbs are all suitable for massaging the scalp. Use a wide-tooth comb to spread the oil to the tips of your hair evenly. Let your scalp soak in the goodness of the oil for 30 minutes. Wash it off well with a mild shampoo. Massaging your hair with oil a couple of times a week will ensure your hair and scalp remain nourished and will visibly reduce your hair fall.
  • The Right Diet: For their proper growth and shine, our hair requires the right nutrition and nourishment. Eat a diet rich in proteins, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C and E and omega-3 fatty acids. Include whole grains, fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, nuts and dry fruits to give your hair the right amount of nutrition.
  • Stay Hydrated: Inadequate amounts of water in the body can lead to dehydration and dryness. This includes your scalp too. A dry scalp leads to damaged cuticles and weak hair shafts resulting in hair loss. Drink adequate amounts of water and stay hydrated to keep your hair shiny and lustrous.
  • Styling Tools: Devices like blow dryers, hair straighteners, or curlers can be harmful to your hair if used frequently. Most of these styling tools use a lot of heat to give you your desired results. This heat can dry out the scalp and also weaken the hair roots and hair follicles. The dried scalp can then exacerbate dandruff and other scalp infections. All these add up to hair loss. Use these devices sparingly. Opt for natural drying methods and embrace your natural hairstyle.
  • Regular Trims: Not trimming your hair can lead to split ends, which then travel up the shaft of your hair and damage the entire shaft. Regular trimming ensures freedom from split ends and hair fall.
  • Choosing The Right Products: While opting for a shampoo and conditioner, choose the one that suits your hair and scalp type. The market is flooded with a wide variety of products that are suitable for all types of hair. Avoid using harsh chemicals while dyeing and colouring your hair. Look for products that contain hair-friendly products like keratin, biotin, etc. and are free from ammonia, sulphates and paraben. Similarly, use soft brushes or wide-toothed combs for detangling your hair.
  • Managing Stress: Taking all possible measures to reduce your hair fall and avoiding stress management is like brushing all your problems under the carpet. No amount of effort will bear fruit if the stress causing your hair fall is not tackled. Take steps to rejuvenate and refresh your mind regularly. A simple walk in the park, talking to a loved one, or picking up a relaxing hobby like reading or gardening can go a long way in making you stress-free. A stress-free mind shows a positive impact on the body, too.

What Can You Do To Revive Hair Growth?

What Can You Do To Revive Hair Growth? As with all organs in our body, hair tends to slow down in terms of growth as we age. However, reviving hair growth is not something to fret about. A visit to your dermatologist can put an end to your worries regarding hair growth. With medications, lotions and several procedures that promote hair growth, you can get a tailor-made solution as per your requirements.
  • Minoxidil: This is a medication that has been used extensively for promoting hair growth. It works by prolonging the growth phase of hair and shows wonderful results. This medicine is available over the counter in stores.
  • Hair Masks And Serums: Hair care products like masks and serums are easily available for use. These serums and masks contain several ingredients that are all beneficial for hair and scalp.
  • Essential Oils: Some essential oils like rosemary oil. Lavender oil and tea tree oil have shown positive effects on hair and scalp health. You can mix a few drops of this oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and massage it into your scalp to reap the wonderful benefits.
  • Supplements And Multivitamins: Dietary supplements and medications like multivitamins serve as added nourishment for your body and help with hair growth. Consult a dermatologist and get a prescription for the right mix of multivitamins for your condition.
With a holistic, dedicated and patient approach, hair fall is something that can be managed effectively. Adopt simple techniques like a good hair hygiene routine, eating a balanced diet, avoiding harsh hair care products and styling tools and effective stress management techniques to get a grip on hair fall. Medications, hair masks and hair serums also work wonderfully to control hair loss and promote hair growth.
If your hair fall is severe and does not respond to any measures you have taken, consult a trichologist or a dermatologist as the hair fall may be a symptom of a serious underlying disorder and may require a completely different treatment approach.

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